Monday, April 19, 2010

Task #1 - Global Economy Today

There are four different classifications in the developed and developing countries. The first two classifications are in the developed sections, the first is the richest of them all such as USA, Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. All these countries in the first developed country are capitalist. In the second developed countries are Cuba and Yugoslavia, they still have a lot. They are socialist nations of former USSR and Eastern Europe. Mixed economies and wealthy, they are managed by the government and they are also experimenting with free market economies.
The next couple places are in the developing section, the third is the ones that are poor and they are struggling to use their resources to raise their economic levels, these countries are Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Most of these people are poor and uneducated. The fourth and the last one of them all are the "poorest of the poor" they have lack of natural and human resources. The country wants to achieve higher dreams of living up in the second world, these countries that the poorest of the poor are Ethiopia and Haiti.

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