Monday, April 26, 2010

Task #4 - Solutions - Red Cross

Task #4 - Solutions - Red Cross

Red cross is an organization that helps out people or countries that have had problems and they try to get back what they had, if it is from a house fire to a country being destroyed like Haiti.

The impact of the Canadian Red Cross is to develop its Facing Fear school prevention program in 2002 in response to young people’s growing anxiety concerning the war in Iraq and the increasing number of terrorist attacks happening all over the world. The program was adapted from the American Red Cross Facing Fear program and translated to help youth deal with the psychological impact of conflicts and terrorism.

There are many of ways you can get involved; you can donate money, clothing, anything you have in your home that you do not use regularly to help out the people who have lost their belongings or anything that was special to them such as children, sometimes they loose their special stuffed animal and they want to have it back again, so you sometimes have to give stuffed animals. You can volunteer your time or even go and be an employee and be there everyday to go and help make different things and to help cook food for the ones that have nothing to eat, some people have nothing to do so you can make different games for them to do during the day to make them have fun and let them know that you are there if they do need anything. You can donor your blood for the people who do have life threatening things in their life and you can help by giving them your blood to help clear up some of those things.

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